Hołd pruski sto piętnaście lat wcześniej. O jednym precedensie z czasów Władysława Jagiełły
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2016, Vol 23, Issue 23
Events which occurred after the victorious battle of Grunwald (15 VII 1410) led to a short-lived reign of King Władysław II Jagiełło in Prussia. Therefore, those events can be seen as a precedent for the famous Prussian homage 115 years later (1525) by Prince Albrecht Hohenzollern to the Polish King Sigismund I the Old. The initiation of a new strategy by the winners of the battle of Grunwald finds confirmation in the sources. These were mainly tributes from subjects of the Teutonic Knights that were taken during the slow march of the Polish-Lithuanian army to Malbork, and during the siege of the castle. King of Poland treated Prussia as his land, and locals as his subjects. This state ended when the royal army left Prussia. That event of the year 1410. inspired further policy of Jagiellons against the Teutonic Order
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Wróbel
Gdansk dans les memoires de Stanislas-Auguste Poniatowski
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Уладзімір Падалінскі, Прадстаўніцтва Вялікаго Княства Літоўскага на Люблінскім сойме 1569 года. Удзел у працы першага вальнага сойма Рэчы Паспалітай, Мінск 2017. Uladzimir Padalinski, The Representation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the Lublin Diet of 1569: Participation in the Activities of the First General Diet of the Commonwealth, Minsk 2017