Holoceńska historia roślinności siedlisk mokradłowych w dolinach rzecznych dorzecza górnej Odry
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
The article presents the results of research on the post-glacial evolution of vegetation within wetland habitats in the river valleys of Racibórz Basin, southern Poland. Three sequences of deposits, representing small peatlands developed in the oxbow lakes of the Osobłoga, Kłodnica and Ruda Rivers, have been recognized. The results of pollen and macrofossil analyses indicate similar conditions for the development of habitats, and consequently a similar history of the wetland vegetation in the studied valleys. The following stages of vegetation changes can be distinguished: (1) from the Late Vistulian to the Late Boreal – the development of Phragmition (less frequently Magnocaricion) communities with the participation of aquatic plants in water bodies, whereas riparian forests with willows and poplars in moderately moist habitats; (2) the Atlantic and Sub-Boreal periods – multi-species, climax forests with the dominance of Alnus glutinosa, in particular communities of Ribeso nigri-Alnetum on swamps; (3) the Sub-Atlantic period – the expansion of non-forest, sedge-moss communities due to human impact, initially from the alliance Magnocaricion, evolving in acidophilic communities from the alliance Caricion nigrae on peatlands, whereas re-development of riparian forests on alluvial soils.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Wójcicki, Małgorzata Nita
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