Home medical care for patients with covid-19
Journal Title: Más Vita - Year 2022, Vol 4, Issue 2
Home health care is a service provided by health professionals in patients' homes in times of the Covid-19 pandemic; This service suffered changes in its process from planning to care. Objective:To describe the process of home health care in patients with covid-19Materials and Method:With the aim of describing the process of medical care at home for patients with Covid-19, this article is prepared as a bibliographic review; of a descriptive type research level where a systematic analysis of the documents found on the web was carried out. Results:Related studies were found, indicating that home visits to people with Covid-19 and early identification of danger signs were prioritized. Conclusion:Despite the risk of infection of health professionals, they continued to make home visits providing adequate medical care
Authors and Affiliations
María Fernanda Amores Gaibor, Eber José Ruge Daza, Eva Vélez Díaz, Dennis Ignacio Quimí López
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