Fibro-osseous lesions pose a diagnostic difficulty as they are not distinguishable histologically. Here, a 7 year retrospective clinic-pathologic analysis of fibro-osseous lesions was studied in Govt. Dental College, Tri...
Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic, infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is classified into five groups based on clinical, histological, microbiological and immunological criteria (Ridley & Jopling Class...
Though incidence of Gall bladder carcinoma is most common biliary tract cancers, nonspecific presenting symptom, late detection of the disease add to the dismal prognosis We tried to find association between intercellula...
Ameloblastoma Is A Neoplasm Of Odontogenic Epithelium, Principally Of Enamel Organ-Type Tissue That Has Not Undergone Differentiation To The Point Of Hard Tissue Formation It Accounts For About 1% Of All Oral Tumors And...
AIM: To describe spectrum of various CNS imaging findings using CT/MRI in serologically confirmed dengue fever patients who presented with neurological symptoms and to predict clinical outcome depending on the imaging fi...
EP ID EP430913
DOI 10.9790/0853-1801014651.
Views 75
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How To Cite
Dr Vikas H, Dr Hrishikesh Pisal (2019). How Informed Is Informed Consent. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 18(1),
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A Seven Year Retrospective Clinico-Pathologic Analysis of FibroOsseous Lesions in A Tertiary Dental Health Care Centre
Fibro-osseous lesions pose a diagnostic difficulty as they are not distinguishable histologically. Here, a 7 year retrospective clinic-pathologic analysis of fibro-osseous lesions was studied in Govt. Dental College, Tri...
Clinico Histopathological Correlation in Leprosy
Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic, infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is classified into five groups based on clinical, histological, microbiological and immunological criteria (Ridley & Jopling Class...
Study of Inverse Association BetweenIntercellular Adhesion and Malignant Cell Propagation in Gall bladder CarcinomaImmunohistochemicalStudy of E-Cadherin and Autocrine Motility Factor Receptor
Though incidence of Gall bladder carcinoma is most common biliary tract cancers, nonspecific presenting symptom, late detection of the disease add to the dismal prognosis We tried to find association between intercellula...
Dentigerous Cyst or Unicystic Ameloblastoma, a Clinicians Conundrum.
Ameloblastoma Is A Neoplasm Of Odontogenic Epithelium, Principally Of Enamel Organ-Type Tissue That Has Not Undergone Differentiation To The Point Of Hard Tissue Formation It Accounts For About 1% Of All Oral Tumors And...
Spectrum of CT/MR Imaging Findings in Dengue Encephalitis.
AIM: To describe spectrum of various CNS imaging findings using CT/MRI in serologically confirmed dengue fever patients who presented with neurological symptoms and to predict clinical outcome depending on the imaging fi...