How One Must Participate in Holy Mass to Fulfil the Festive Precept?

Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 1


The article presents in-depth analysis of certain questions regarding the appropriate participation in the Holy Mass, based on canonical tradition and current legislation, which contain the documents of the Holy See, the popes, the various dicasteries and commissions of the Apostolic See, as well as the opinions of the experts in canon law and moral theology. The first chapter describes some attitudes that, according to canonical tradition, can influence the non-fulfilment of the precept of listening to the Mass (cf. can. 1248 CIC/17). It also describes the circumstances that, although they make it difficult to listen to the Mass, do not prevent the satisfaction of the obligation. In this part the role of intellect, awareness and will in relation to the fulfilment of the festive precept was explained and the definitions of physical, moral and spiritual presence were given. Furthermore, the problem of the possibility of fulfilling the obligation by means of social communication has been addressed. The second chapter analyses the current legislation, beginning with the Second Vatican Council, which replaced the expression “is present”, which had been used up to that time, with the expression “participate”, which intends to underline the full and active participation in the Mass. However, in the 1983 Code of Canon Law the expression “to participate” was accepted in can. 1247, this expression does not require a totally full and active participation, because being present itself, consciously and voluntarily is sufficient to fulfil the festive precept. Nevertheless, the Church strongly recommends that participation which is called more perfect (perfectior participatio), that is, the Mass connected with Holy Communion.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Kaniecki


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  • EP ID EP310830
  • DOI 10.18290/kip.2018.7.1-11
  • Views 76
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How To Cite

Rafał Kaniecki (2018). How One Must Participate in Holy Mass to Fulfil the Festive Precept?. Kościół i Prawo, 7(1), 139-148.