Journal Title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 10
It is pleasing to offer differentiated access services such thatdata access policies are distinct over user attributes or roles,which are direct by the key authorities. We propose a securedata recovery scheme using CP-ABE for decentralized DTNswhere manifold key authorities supervise their attributes by you.We make obvious how to be valid the proposed mechanism tofirmly and capablysupervise the not to be disclosed data scatteredin the disruption-tolerant military network. Mobile nodes in military environments such as abattlefield or a hostile region are expected to endure from discontinuous network connectivity and regular partitions. Disruption-tolerantnetwork (DTN) technologies are flattering successful solutionsthat allow wireless devices carried by soldiers to conversewith each other and right of entry the secret information or commandconsistently by exploiting external storage nodes. Some of themost demanding issues in this situation are the enforcement ofauthorization policies and the ruleinform for secure datarecovery.
Authors and Affiliations
G. Aruna Rekha, S. Indira Spandana
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