Hugo Obwegeser: The father of modern orthognathic surgery
Hugo Obwegeser (21 October 1920-2 September 2017), a dramatic persona and giant among men in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery, especially in orthognathic surgery, passed away in Switzerland on September 2, 2017, at the age of 96 years old. He was trained by some of the most emblematic personalities of 20th century’s oral and maxillofacial surgery, such as Professor Richard Trauner in Graz, Austria, Sir Harold Gillies, the founder of modern plastic and reconstructive surgery, in England, and Dr. Paul Louis Tessier in France, the “father” of craniofacial surgery. It was in June 1966, when Obwegeser introduced his orthognathic surgery techniques to surgeons of North America. This took place at the American Society of Oral Surgery Meeting, at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Washington, DC. In his career, Obwegeser also described preprosthetic procedures, transoral approaches for the reduction of mandibular fractures, and the simultaneous resection and reconstruction of tumors of the mandible with the use of a transoral approach.
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