Human Being in Various Religions in the Axis of Value Given to Human Being: A Comparative Study in Perspective of History of Religion
Journal Title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue 48
Since the first human being, human being has taken place in the center of the universe and life. There are sources mentioning the characteristics which human being has and conditions in which human being has been throughout the history. Religion, one of these sources, has an important place in the life of human being, because human being has found the answer of the reason and purpose of the his existence in religion. Supreme value has been given to human being in the messages of all religions which have as old and rooted as the history of humanity, and have historical value. Hence, today it is also possible to fi nd the roots of the basic human rights being attributed to crucial as a sign of this value in these religions. Because all religions aim that human being to reach happiness both in the world and after death and this clearly express in the main sources. For this purpose religions have preserved the life, intellect, property, honor and religion of human being and these have made basic principles. Accordingly the basic rights that pepople strive to achieve throughout history can be summarized in the fi ve basic principles that protect religions. Thus the basic rights that based on the fi ve basic principles in question can be said that have became rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the present time. In the case, religions in the axis of value given to human being can be considered of the guarantor of the basic right that a number of humanitarian efforts have been tried to be obtained. In this article, it has been endavored to draw the general framework of some religions perspective on human and value given to human being such as Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Old Iran Religions with Mandeanism, excluding Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Authors and Affiliations
Şevket ÖZCAN
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