Human body motion resource management in system perspective
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 50
The paper presents an unconventional approach to human body motion investigation by way of management of motion resources attached to three basic factors: Information, Energy and Structure. The Information factor is related to the activity of nervous system and the brain. Energy refers to the supply provided by nutrition, breathing and cardiovascular systems. Body Structure is the place where information and energy meet effectively in presence of limitations imposed by skeletal structure and where the body motion takes its eventual shape. The distinguished three resources are subject to the environment that, in turn, may provide some additional resources and/or limitations. The final solution of the motion tasks results from the system integration of the resources or their elements into a compact whole. As a result some new quality, the so-called system effect may appear which, when properly used, can be essential for the motion effectiveness. The hypothesis has been derived that the system approach is inherent in some natural behavioural patterns of the homo sapiens species.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Morawski
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