Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – Structure,epidemiology and pathogenesis
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 5
The number of cancers is constantly increasing. An important role in the etiology of many of them is played by the viral factor, by oncogenic viruses, such as the Human Papillom avirus. The article shows current epidemiological situation and describes the structure of the virus and modes of transmission. It also explains the role of HPV infection in cancer with particular emphasis on oropharynx and head and neck cancer. Summarizing, HPV infection plays an importa nt role in carcinogenesis of the oropharynx tumors. The presence of viral genetic material in the tumor may influence prognosis and treatment method choices.
Authors and Affiliations
Kamal Morshed, Dorota Polz-Gruszka, Marcin Szymański, Małgorzata Polz-Dacewicz
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