Long-term aesthetic results of rhinoplasty in congenital nose deformities — comparison of surgeon's and patient's evaluation

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 4


Introduction: Nose as the most projected face structure focuses the biggest people's attention. Nasal localization causes that even its small deformities are visible and subjected to different opinions. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery and at the same time one of the most difficult operation in facial surgery. The aim of this research is to analyze the long-term aesthetic results of rhinoplasty in congenital nose deformities in evaluation performed by surgeon and patient. Material and method: The study was carried out in the group of 50 patients operated on in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery due to congenital nose deformity. The group consisted of 38 women and 12 men, aged from 27 to 56 years. Long-term aesthetic results' evaluation was performed on the basis of clinical examination done by doctor and questionnaire filled in by patients and surgeon. Results: Evaluation of long-term results after aesthetic rhino-plasty in patients' opinion qualified the effects as very good in 70%. In surgeon's opinion such a result was obtained in 62% of patients. Satisfactory result of performed operation was marked by 92% of patients while surgeon qualified results as a satisfactory in the group of 88%. Reoperation was considered by 12% of patients and doctor such a necessity reflected in 10%. Conclusions: Satisfactory results of rhinoplasty in congenital nose deformities are possible to obtain while taking the degree and type of deformity into consideration and choosing proper surgical method. Surgical procedures in congenital nose deformities give good aesthetic results in patients' and as well as surgeon's opinions. Doctor evaluates surgical results in more critical way.

Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Pisera, Bogusław Antoszewski, Marta Fijałkowska, Anna Kasielska, Aleksandra Iljin


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Paweł Pisera, Bogusław Antoszewski, Marta Fijałkowska, Anna Kasielska, Aleksandra Iljin (2012). Long-term aesthetic results of rhinoplasty in congenital nose deformities — comparison of surgeon's and patient's evaluation. Otolaryngologia Polska, 66(4), 280-284. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-52073