Human Photosynthesis and Central Nervous System´s Diseases

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2012, Vol 29, Issue 3


Photosynthesis in plants is considered the most important chemical reaction in the world because is the first step in the food chain. The first clues of the process were detected by Lavoisier and others during the XVIII century, but the exact nature of the chemical reactions involved remain poorly understood. Moreover, dissociation of the water molecule constitutes the very first reaction of photosynthesis in plants, and was unsuspected, even unthinkable in human beings, until we found it in human retina in 1990s. The discovery of the amazing capacity of our body to makes the dissociation of the water molecule, breaks the paradigm: Plants and human beings have the same very first reaction as the origin of life. The impact in the field of molecular biology is huge; therefore the role of the water and glucose must be redefined, glucose is just a source of biomass, instead water is the real source of energy of the eukaryotic cell, and neuron cell is not an exception. The main source of energy of the CNS is the CSF and therefore the ventricles and subarachnoid space. Blood vessels are merely source of biomass. By the analogy with the process in plants, our discovery was named human photosynthesis. Human being begin to lose the capacity to split the water molecule at 26 years old, ca. 10 % each decade, and after fifties goes into free fall. Our research along these 23 years thought us that medical modulation of human photosynthesis has extraordinary therapeutic results in CNS´s diseases.

Authors and Affiliations

Arturo Herrera, Maria Esparza, Ruth Arias, Paola Arias, Martha Arias


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How To Cite

Arturo Herrera, Maria Esparza, Ruth Arias, Paola Arias, Martha Arias (2012). Human Photosynthesis and Central Nervous System´s Diseases. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 29(3), 654-668.