Human Rights and Human Function
Journal Title: The Journal of Human Rights - Year 2006, Vol 1, Issue 1
This paper firstly explores some theories of Human Rights justification and then assents to the theory that Human Rights is based on justified moral values. In order to justify moral values, Aristotle’s approach called “Function Argument” is reviewed. Propounding this argument, the writer attempts to show that all analysis of human identity will directly contribute to the man’s view of his rights. Not only Human rights is really determined by human function or human distinguishing characteristic i.e. human identity, but in the world of knowledge the proper method to know human rights is to know human being himself. In cloning violates man’s rights due to two reasons: damage of human identity and violation of the right to be unique. Attempting to clarify the nature of human cloning, this article examines the aspects to be claimed to violate human rights and evaluates the strength of the reasons for this claim. چكيده اين مقاله پس از بررسي اجمالي برخي از نظريههاي توجيه حقوق بشر، نظرية ابتناي آن بر ارزشهاي اخلاقي موجّه را ميپذيرد. دربارة چگونگي توجيه ارزش اخلاقي، رويكرد ارسطو كه به «برهان ارگن» موسوم است، مورد بحث و بررسي قرار ميگيرد. مؤلف با طرح اين برهان ميكوشد نشان دهد ارائه هرگونه تحليل از هويت انسان در نگرش آدمي به حقوق خود تأثير مستقيم خواهد گذاشت. حقوق آدمي نه فقط از ناحية كارويژه يا فصل مميز وي (هويت انسان) تعيّن واقعي ميگيرد، بلكه در عالم معرفت هم راه درست شناخت حقوق بشر، شناخت خود انسان است.
Authors and Affiliations
Mohsen Javadi
Child Rights, Child Poverty and Islam: a Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Rights-based Approaches to Child Poverty Reduction with Particular Reference to the Islamic Republic of Iran
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