Human's Own Activity in Fulfilling the Information Deficit
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 35
Introdukction. In the introduction the Author describes current change of scientific paradigms, transition from treating reflexes as basic components of a complex motor activity to perceiving them as elementary activities.Results. It results in change of fundamental philosophy of motor control: the former paradigm consists in analysing the moving living being as a purely reactive system, responding only to external stimuli, while the latter assumes that the living being actively adjusts the environment to its needs. Then the Author points out that for planning of movements (or any other activities), an information is necessary, effecting in building a mental model of desired future. This is based mainly on previous experience of a living being, as well as on probabilistic prognosis of the future. However, information flowing from the environment is incomplete and includes many gaps, which are actively bridged - though sometimes unconsciously - by a being, who observes the world and plans its activities. Thus, such a being (also a human) actively searches the environment for necessary information or even produces it consciously.Conclusion. According to the Author, there exist two main ways of enriching the knowledge about reality: putting scientific hypotheses (which may be proved or invalidated), or creating myths (which may be merely believed in, though without any evidence). The Author compares science to a great fire, burning in the middle of a great, dark, icy plain. The melted ice constitutes a sphere of knowledge. The portion only illuminated, but not melted by fire is a sphere of searching. The area completely dark is a sphere of myths. The Author describes the process of dynamic widening of the spheres under consideration, yet resulting not in decreasing, but in increasing the number of questions which have to be answered. In conclusion the Author concisely describes the part played by activeness in sensory perception, mental processes, building of models of desired future (as defined by Bernstein) and thinking.
Authors and Affiliations
Josif Moisiejewicz Fejgenberg
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