Hydromorphological and landscape valorization of the Poprad river valley


The paper presents the results of hydromorphological and landscape valorization. The research was carried out in the Valley of the Poprad River, in the section from Piwniczna-Zdrój to Rytro (Małopolska voivodship). The hydromorphological valorization was made using the method of the evaluation of hydromorphological quality of the river. ECOVAST method was used for landscape valorization. On the basis of the research, Authors concluded that the research area is characterized by considerable hydromorphological variability, in particular in relation to the floodplains terraces and their connectivity with the main channel of the river. At the same time the valley of the Poprad river is characterized by the landscape of regional significance, with a very large tourist potential.

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  • EP ID EP112053
  • DOI 10.1515/sggw-2015-0035
  • Views 111
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How To Cite

MARIA NAWIEŚNIAK, MATEUSZ STRUTYŃSKI, JÓZEF HERNIK (2015). Hydromorphological and landscape valorization of the Poprad river valley. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 47(4), 333-342. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-112053