Hyperconcept CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY Reconstruction in English, German and Ukrainian Texts of Religious Popular Discourse


The article covered the hyperconcept CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY reconstruction in English, German, Ukrainian informative and agitational texts of religious popular discourse. This mental construction has been established through the profiling of Biblical quotations transposed in the religious popular discourse texts of informative (identified four types) and agitational character (identified nine types) according to the mechanisms of Biblical knowledge metaphorization. It has been proven that the informative texts sense implicitly stimulates the recipient to have inner mindset about own life (without a mediator). The agitational texts have the same elements and constructions, but are open-ended or have a rhetorical questions stimulating the recipient to contact the religious organization (the mediator).The kernel of this hyperconcept presents the concept RIGHTEOUS LIFE with subordinated concepts FOLLOWING CHRIST, BEING NOT INDIFFERENT, REPENT, PURIFICATION, REQUEST (ASK), STRENGTH FORMING, GRATITUDE (THANK), that form dominant or optional senses in informative and agitational texts of religious popular discourse representing figurative and evaluative hyperconcept zone. In English and German Religious Magazine texts and Religious Calendar Guides the metaphoric concept STRENGTH FORMING dominates, whereas in the Ukrainian variants – the concept REQUEST; in the International Religious Festival Booklet – the concept FOLLOWING CHRIST, in the texts of Religious Synod Meeting Booklet – the concept BEING NOT INDIFFERENT – in English, German and Ukrainian languages. In agitational texts the dominant metaphoric senses are not revealed. Nevertheless, English text environment provides more concise representation of every sense (reflecting author’s individuality) or hierarchical fusion of different variant senses, German – determined conception with highly represented author-text-creator, Ukrainian – national symbols priority with mercy, ask or call to unite verbal depiction.

Authors and Affiliations

О. О. Cherkhava


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How To Cite

О. О. Cherkhava (2018). Hyperconcept CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY Reconstruction in English, German and Ukrainian Texts of Religious Popular Discourse. НАУКОВИЙ ЧАСОПИС НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ ІМЕНІ М.П. ДРАГОМАНОВА. Серія 9. Сучасні тенденції розвитку мов, 17(), 19-31. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-482051