IASTM - nowy kierunek w branży fizjoterapii czy chwilowa moda ?
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 5
Over the past years, many new methods of working with the body have been developed, especially with fascial tissue. One of them is IASTM – mobilization of soft tissues with instruments. This is the case with specially designed and executed surgical steel tools. The method can be combined with many other forms of rehabilitation, but it is important to keep in mind some rules that are key to the effectiveness of the treatment. The positive reception of this form of work in physiotherapy can be attributed to the multitude of tools variations and new trends. The latest development of this system is the simultaneous operation of IASTM with 448 kHz radiofrequency stimulation. This allows one treatment to benefit from both methods and thereby multiply and accelerate their effect.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr Wojciech Górek
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