Является ли управляющий в банкротстве медиатором? / Is a manager of bankruptcy considered a mediator?
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 2
Relevant and contemporary issues of legal regulation, functions and tasks in terms of their similarities and discrepancies in respect of mediators and managers of economic insolvency and bankruptcy are considered on the example of the Belarusian legislation on economic insolvency (bankruptcy) and mediation. They are considered in terms of their training, protecting rights and legitimate interests of creditors, debtors, other participants of the bankruptcy process. On the analysis of current legislation, juridical practice and other sources we come to such conclusions: there is a large number of conflicts and legal disputes in the process of economic insolvency and bankruptcy, which can be resolved through mediation; there is a possibility to use the potential of mediation at different stages of economic development of a debtor into bankruptcy and at different stages of bankruptcy; there is a need to gain and use mediation skills by bankruptcy managers during and after their special training; there is a coincidence of some tasks and functions of mediators and bankruptcy managers.
Authors and Affiliations
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