Ibn Khaldun's Text al-Muqaddima in terms of Plato's and Aris-totle's Views of Policy

Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 2


In this study, Ibn Khaldun's work al-Muqaddima is investigated in the context of basic Ancient texts which are relevant to the political philosophy. Firstly, whether Aristotle's book Politics is known in medieval Islamic philosophy or not and it has been translated into Arabic or not and how much Ibn Khaldun is aware of this text are discussed. Secondly, we focus on the basis of views of Plato and Aristotle which are related to policy. Thirdly, the basic contexts of political considerations in al-Muqaddima and the relation between al-Muqaddima and two Ancient philosophers' opinions are mentioned. Fourthly, we focus on modern findings about the originality and innovation in al-Muqaddima's political thoughts. The study claims that Ibn Khaldun's method for investigation in al-Muqaddima is close to Aristotle's and he innovatively made the history as a basic concept, being not unaware of Aristotle's views.

Authors and Affiliations

Muhammet ÖZDEMİR


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  • EP ID EP617051
  • DOI 10.30523/mutefekkir.130224
  • Views 159
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How To Cite

Muhammet ÖZDEMİR (2014). Ibn Khaldun's Text al-Muqaddima in terms of Plato's and Aris-totle's Views of Policy. Mütefekkir, 1(2), 107-121. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-617051