Idea of solidarity in contemporary legal and political philosophy
Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2
In contemporary philosophy of law and political philosophy, relatively little pace is devoted to the problem of solidarity. In Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence and political philosophy, this concept barely makes an appearance. In the relevant European literature, including that in Polish, references usually have a historical focus, and deal with the sociological concepts of Emil Durkheim (the division into mechanical and organic solidarity) and Ferdinand Tönnies (the distinction of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft), and their legal application by Leon Duguit (socialization of law as an expression of social soldarization). But if solidarity appears in contemporary philosophical-legal analyses, this is most frequently not expressis verbis, but in a manner that is concealed in one way or another by justice, especially in considerations of broadly conceived social justice.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Zajadło
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