Identify and categorize factors affecting electronic commerceadoption using interpretativestructural modelingapproach

Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 6, Issue 8


E-commerce is growing worldwide and is considered one of the modes and trade practices. Using this new initiative by banks, public or private, has been bought many benefits and the benefits of this phenomenon is motivation of banks. Banks due to the important role in Iran country economy by applying e-commerce can improve the productivity and efficiency of economic system. Identification of effective factors in planning and decision-making can be improved in this area to help managers and bank employees. Therefore, this article is an attempt to gain study of 901 managers and senior staff comments of Shiraz Maskan Bank, to investigate the factors influencing e-commerce application. 91-item questionnaire designed for the ISM specific spectrum that has been inspired of Lee e-commerce adoption model was introduced in 9001. The overall reliability coefficient of the questionnaire has been calculated about 98.0 by means of Cronbach's alpha practice and analytical tools used in this paper including: 91 spss have been used to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire and Matlab 99 and excel 9002 program to analyze the factors of affecting on commerce adoption and ranking it, and at the end; following the outputs of the factors affecting e-commerce adoption in Shiraz housing bank, it can be concluded that trust and perceived ease of e-commerce adoption are the most effective agents in e-commerce adoption.

Authors and Affiliations

Milad Fahimi| MSc. Student in production and operation Management, Shiraz University, shiraz, Iran, Shahla Yousefi Dehbidi| MSc. Student in production and operation Management, Persian Gulf University. Bushehr, Iran, email:, Hossain Hossaini| MA. OfPublic Administration Shiraz PNU, Shiraz, Iran


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How To Cite

Milad Fahimi, Shahla Yousefi Dehbidi, Hossain Hossaini (2013). Identify and categorize factors affecting electronic commerceadoption using interpretativestructural modelingapproach. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 6(8), 1073-1081.