Immature Teratoma of the Ovary and Pregnancy
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 1
Background: Germ cell tumors are derived from primordial germ cells of the ovary. Immature teratoma is the second most common germ cell malignancy.[1] About 50% of pure immature teratomas of the ovary occur in women between ages 10-20 yrs and they rarely occur in pregnancy. The occurrence of ovarian tumors in pregnancy is a rare event with an incidence of 1:10,000 to 1:50,000 .Hence this case has been chosen in view of rarity and successful outcome. Case Report: 22yrs oldprimigravida at 15W 3D came with pain abdomen since 4 days .Clinically Per abdomen mass palpable upto 20-22 weeks size , firm to cystic in consistency with tenderness in the umbilical region and left iliac fossa . Vaginal examination revealed fornicealfullness.MRI abdomen and pelvis done .Emergency laparotomy with left partialsalphingectomy with left oophorectomy. Conclusion: Malignant ovarian immature teratomas should be considered in differential diagnosis of adnexal masses detected in pregnancies. chemotherapy improves prognosis especially if extra ovarian spread exists. Grade 2-3 should be encouraged for chemotherapy. However,gestational age at diagnosis, stage of the disease, patient’s willingness to continue the pregnancy and fetal risks secondary to maternal treatments need to consider on patient basis.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Preethi . S, Dr. Preet Agarwal, Dr. K. S. Rajeswari
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