Impact of Animal Drawn Cart on Households’ Farm and Non-Farm Income in Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Journal Title: International Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 5
In most Ethiopian rural areas transportation is one of the major unsolved and endowed problems even though the country has exceptionally a long history of using animal traction in Sub-Saharan African countries. The use of sledges in central highlands of Ethiopia has grown to two-wheel animal drawn cart in 1969 during CADU regime and eventually Asella model animal drawn cart was developed and introduced to farmers. The technology was widely promoted and under use by Arsi farmers. However, the impact of this technology was not studied and this research was initiated with objectives of identifying factors affecting adoption of the technologies and its impact on households’ income. Descriptive statistics and propensity score matching model were used to analysis the impact of treatment on treated groups and logistic model was employed to estimate the propensity score and probability of adopting the technology. Accordingly, Logistic regression model result revealed that educational background, age in year, landholding in hectare and livestock possession in TLU have positive effect on adoption of animal drawn cart technologies and all are statistically significant while distance from town (district) which is a proxy for access to information and access to credit were found to be negatively affecting variables. The result from PSM also revealed that the adoption of intermediate rural transportation technologies (animal drawn cart) has great impact on households’ income in general and income from sale of vegetable and livestock in particular. In general adoption of animal drawn cart has great impact on both farm and non-farm income of the households.
Authors and Affiliations
Tamrat Gebiso Challa
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