Labour as a factor of production exhibits the dynamism and strength in all its activities. According to the views of manyeconomists, they assessed the labour in terms of its potential capacity, the value of a product is...
The main purpose of this abstract to identify the significance of the Bhagavad Githa Which acts as right path for the redemption of human beings with regard to their urge. Sri Arun Joshi introduced his characters through...
This research was carried out in the province of Los Ríos in zone 5 of Ecuador in order to determine the tourist potential of the study area based on the analysis of the existing documentation for which the analysis of t...
Patients with special needs, especially those who are diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP) Down Syndrome (DS) and autism have an oral health often compromised. It is known that patients with these needs, often do not colla...
This research, Impact of Generation Z on the Future of Business and Management Strategies, encompasses the newest generation which is entering the workforce with a comparison to previous generations. This study is to det...
EP ID EP399582
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How To Cite
Drmadhubratasatpathy . (2018). Impact Of Gst On The Indian Power Sector. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(9),
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Gender Inclusion in Indian Labour Market: Analysis of Women Labour Participation in MGNREGP
Labour as a factor of production exhibits the dynamism and strength in all its activities. According to the views of manyeconomists, they assessed the labour in terms of its potential capacity, the value of a product is...
The Novels of Arun Joshi: A study.
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Impact of Generation Z on the Future of Business and Management Strategies
This research, Impact of Generation Z on the Future of Business and Management Strategies, encompasses the newest generation which is entering the workforce with a comparison to previous generations. This study is to det...