Impact of Protocol Switching Strategy in Delay Tolerant Networks


Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are sparse dynamic wireless networks in which a complete end-to-end path from the source to the destination does not exist. In this context, conventional mobile adhoc routing schemes would fail, because they try to establish complete end-to-end paths, before any data sent. DTNs lack continuous connectivity among their nodes because of node mobility, limited data storage space and constraint in power source. DTN nodes store and carry the data packets until they come into communication range of each other. In recent years several routing protocols have been developed for DTNs. In these protocols there is always a trade-off between different performance metrics. In this paper we have proposed a protocol switching strategy for DTNs that is a combination of two routing protocols each from flooding-based and forwarding-based family namely Epidemic and Probabilistic routing. The performance is discussed using Opportunistic Network Environment tool.

Authors and Affiliations

Er. Richa Thakur , Prof K. L. Bansal


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How To Cite

Er. Richa Thakur, Prof K. L. Bansal (2016). Impact of Protocol Switching Strategy in Delay Tolerant Networks. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, 7(10), 427-430.