Impact of Teachers’ Identification of Written Mathematical Points on Students’ Learning


I examined the relationship between teachers’ identification of mathematical points in written lessons and students’ mathematical learning opportunities. Lessons in teachers’ guides and classroom instruction were analyzed for written mathematical points and those articulated by teachers during instruction. Teachers who appropriately identified written mathematical points together with suggested curricular resources to realize them had a positive impact on students’ mathematical learning opportunities. Positive impact was influenced by the teacher’s ability to appropriately identify the role of available curricular resources in supporting the achievements of written mathematical points, recognize relationships between suggested activities and curricular resources toward written mathematical points, and develop a productive mathematical storyline. Napthalin A. Atanga "Impact of Teachers’ Identification of Written Mathematical Points on Students’ Learning" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-3 , April 2021, URL: Paper URL:’-identification-of-written-mathematical-points-on-students’-learning/napthalin-a-atanga

Authors and Affiliations

Napthalin A. Atanga


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Napthalin A. Atanga (2021). Impact of Teachers’ Identification of Written Mathematical Points on Students’ Learning. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(3), -.