Impactofanterior chamber intraocular lens on vision and refractive status in eyes undergoing small incision cataract surgery
Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Ophthalmology - Year 2019, Vol 9, Issue 1
Background:Withrecentadvancesinscienceandtechnologyincataract surgery,theimplantationofanintracapsularintraocularlens(IOL)remainsthe bestresultfollowingcataractsurgery.An Anterior Chamber Intra Ocular Lens(ACIOL)asthefirstchoiceforimplantationisless.However, certainclinicalcircumstances volunteeritsneeds.PreoperativefindingsorintraoperativeeventswhichdonotallowtheuseofPosteriorChamberIntra OcularLens(PCIOL)eitherinthebagorinthesulcus,necessitatetheuseofACIOLstopreventaphakia.Althoughwe haveamyriadofoptions,theuseofACIOLscomesinhandy.Thereasonsbeing` itsrelativelylowcostandfeasibilityof implantationinthesamesitting.Inourhospitalbasedprospectivestudyof95eyes,wediscusstheimpactonvision andrefractivestatus.Context:Aims:ToevaluatetheimpactofAnteriorChamberIntraocular Lens(ACIOLs)onvisionandrefractivestatus in eyes undergoing Small Incision Cataract SurgerySettingsandDesign:Prospective,crosssectionalObservationaldescriptivehospitalbased studyMethodsandMaterial: Studywasconductedfrom2015 – 2018. ACIOLswereimplantedin95eyes undergoingeventfulSmallIncisionCataractSurgery(SICS)duetolackofadequateposteriorcapsularsupport,orhavingzonulardehiscencemorethan180degrees.Theseeyesare assessedpostoperativelyforvision,andrefractivestatusat6 weeks.The power of cylinders andspheresusedarecalculatedforeacheye.Statisticalanalysisused: SSPSDescriptivestatisticsResults:Outof95 eyes of 95 patients,44(46.3%)werefemales,and51(53.7%) weremales.Maximumnumberoffemalesthatbelongedtoage groupofmorethan60yearswere20 (21.05%).Maximumnumberofmalesthatbelongedtoagegroupofmorethan60 yearswere30 (31.57%).Out of 95 eyes, 52 (54.7%) were right (OD), 43 (45.3%) were left (OS). (98.95 %) 94eyesofeyeseitherreceivedasphere,oracylinder,orboth.Among all eyesonly 1 eyedidnotreceiveany correction. 14 (14.74%) eyes received only spherical correction. Only cylinder was prescribed to 20 (21.05%) patients. 60 (63.16%) patients received both for glass prescription.It was observed that the median values of postoperativeSpherewas -1.0 dioptre and cylinder-0.75 at 90 degrees with median vision of 6/12 in 52 eyes, and 6/9 in 43 eyes.45 out of 74 (60.8%) eyeshadpostoperative visionintherange6/6to6/18,receivingcorrectionintherangeof-1.5to +1.5dioptresphere.45 out of 80 (56.25%) eyes were prescribed cylinder in the range of -1 to + 1 dioptres with vision in the range of 6/6 to 6/18.Conclusions: Eventhoughthechoiceofprocedureincataract surgeryisanECCEwithaPCIOLimplant,ananteriorchamber lensimplantationhasitsownindicationsinmodernIOLsurgery
Authors and Affiliations
Vatsala Vats, Rupali Tyagi, Manisha Gupta, Monika Jain, Shantanu Aggarwal
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