Implementasi Metode Weighted Product Untuk Aplikasi Pemilihan Smartphone Android
Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 1
Ignorance of the advantages and disadvantages android smartphone is a loss for the user because of the large selection of android smartphone on the market. One way to overcome these problems is the presence of a method that can provide recommendations as consideration for proper decision making. The research aims to create android smartphone applications election system by applying the method of Weighted Product, which can solve the problem by means of multiplication to connect rating attributes with attribute weights are concerned. As for the criteria in the consideration of the selection of Android smartphones in the study was obtained from the results of the questionnaire that is the price, internal memory, RAM, camera and battery capacity. The results of this study in the form of electoral system applications android smartphone web based which can give recommendations to the user as consideration for decision making in choosing a smartphone android by applying weighted product in the process of systems analysis in order to obtain the best results in decision making
Authors and Affiliations
Dyna Marisa Khairina, Dio Ivando, Septya Maharani
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