Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) Pencarian ATM Bank Kaltim Terdekat dengan Geolocation dan Haversine Formula Berbasis Web

Journal Title: Jurnal INFOTEL - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 1


Providing the best services is the main objective of each bank, including Bank Kaltim in East Kalimantan, especially Bank Kaltim in Samarinda City. One of the services is placing the ATM at any location of city to facilitate the customer for their transaction. The ATM of Bank Kaltim is scattered in many places, but the information about the location of ATM in Samarinda City is still limited and it sometimes make customers having difficulty to find a ATM of Bank Kaltim. Determination of the location of the SIG is appropriate to describe the distance and destination information in accordance with the wishes of the user. The Geographical Information System (GIS) will be very appropriate to be used as a tool to process the location information of ATM of Bank Kaltim in the Samarinda City. One of the method that apllied in the application of GIS is Haversine Formula. The method is used to determine the location of the nearest ATM to the user. Haversine formula is an equation that is used in navigation, which gives a great circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere (Earth) by longitude and latitude. Hence, Geographical Information Systems are created to provide information on the location of the nearest ATM and directions. The results of this study, Haversine Formula used for the calculation process to determine the location of the nearest ATM can be applied and give information to the user or customer of ATM of Bank Kaltim.

Authors and Affiliations

Septya Maharani, Awang Harsa K, Atik Tia Nalarwati


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  • EP ID EP471897
  • DOI 10.20895/infotel.v9i1.139
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How To Cite

Septya Maharani, Awang Harsa K, Atik Tia Nalarwati (2017). Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) Pencarian ATM Bank Kaltim Terdekat dengan Geolocation dan Haversine Formula Berbasis Web. Jurnal INFOTEL, 9(1), 1-8.