Implementation of Electronic Nose with TGS Gas Sensors


Nowadays, requirements for detecting fresh milk from farms are restricted by traditional testing methods and expensive imported detecting instruments, which is going against the improvement of fresh milk’s quality. The proposed prototype is an ARM based monitoring unit which monitors the unwanted ingredients presents in the test milk. The concentration of VOCs present in the headspace of raw milk varied drastically when it was contaminated by bacterial metabolism, ageing, photo-oxidation and presence of provident metals such as copper, iron and nickel. Milk from a healthy cow contains only few bacteria which may multiply and the rate of multiplication will increase as time passes from the time of milking to the time of processing it also depends on the standard of milking, handling practices and storage. These bacterial growths lead to the spoilage of milk with the production of off-flavor. As the microbial spoilage of starting milk severely affects the industrial quality due to undesirable aroma, physical defects and metabolic toxicity, identification of milk spoilage before production of products becomes mandatory. Likewise, spoilage of milk due to various other factors should also be identified at the initial phase to avoid complications and complaints in the final product.

Authors and Affiliations

Chiranjeevi Yeturu


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Chiranjeevi Yeturu (2015). Implementation of Electronic Nose with TGS Gas Sensors. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(11), -.