Implementation of the Principles of Organic Farming in Forest Crops Cultivation in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine [Впровадження засад органічного землеробства при вирощуванні лісових культур в південному степу України]

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 10


The problem of development of forestry and conservation fundamentals of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe with the help of synthetic chemicals, makes it necessary to simultaneously solve two problems: on the one hand, the optimization and increase of the efficiency of the used substances, which, at low economic costs, dramatically increase the effectiveness of artificial forestry and forest productivity, on the other - such economic activity should not upset the balance in the environment. We need an accurate assessment of the relationship and interconnection of these two sides of one problem. Recently, the tendency towards the use of substances, derived from natural sources, in particular from plant material, has grown. The study of the mechanisms of self-protection of plants in nature has led to the development of new natural ecologically safe biostimulators and adaptogens. However, they are recommended, mainly for use in agriculture. Their influence on the species of trees is practically not studied. The article studies the influence on the growth and development of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana, its livelihood under the conditions of organic fertilizer “Bio-gel” on the bases of Oleshky sands in Kherson region. The results of the experiments conducted during 2016-2017 showed the effectiveness of Bio-gel effect on the growth of two-year seedlings of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana with open root system; the dependence of efficiency on the method of introduction and concentration of working solutions of fertilizers is established. According to the conducted research, an effective way of using fertilizers is soothing the root system. The positive effect of bio-gel organic fertilizer on the livelihood and preservation of seedlings has been revealed. The analysis of the sanitary state of Pinus nigra subsp. Pallasiana has shown their greater resistance to disease agents in the extreme climatic conditions of the southern steppe, which indicates the effectiveness of the use of Bio-gel for forest-cultivation in such complex cultivation areas as the sands of southern Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Tatiana Boiko, Sergey Nazarenko, Pavel Boiko


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  • EP ID EP430272
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.39-2
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How To Cite

Tatiana Boiko, Sergey Nazarenko, Pavel Boiko (2018). Implementation of the Principles of Organic Farming in Forest Crops Cultivation in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine [Впровадження засад органічного землеробства при вирощуванні лісових культур в південному степу України]. Traektoriâ Nauki, 4(10), 2001-2007.