Implementation of verbal and visual-graphic means of multimodality in “Captain America” comic book

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 161


The article deals with the use of verbal and visual-graphic means in “Captain America” comic book. A comic book as a multimodal text includes both verbal and paralinguistic means of transferring the information. Verbal elements are represented by words, phrases and sentences used to convey the message, while the means of a graphic game are characterized by the use of paralin- guistic (non-verbal) means.

Authors and Affiliations

M. R. Ivasyshyn


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  • EP ID EP495343
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-Ph2018-161VI48-06
  • Views 132
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How To Cite

M. R. Ivasyshyn (2018). Implementation of verbal and visual-graphic means of multimodality in “Captain America” comic book. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(161), 27-30.