Importance of the state and laws in developing economic order in local and foreign turnover
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2009, Vol 13, Issue 2
The article includes an analysis of legal framework for conducting business activities by foreign entrepreneurs in the context of an economic order developed by the state, considering in particular the norms of the public economic law. Because of the scope of the issue and nature of this study, the presented material was limited to basic issues connected with starting and running a business activity by foreign entrepreneurs on the territory of Poland. It has been stated that, in the times of market economy, proceeding globalization processes, the concentration of capital and heavy competition, economic reasons force entrepreneurs to widen the area of their business activities. An attempt has been made to prove, that foreign capital flowing into Poland encourages creativity of Polish economy as well as local companies. The encouragement results mainly from the transfer of modern technology and knowledge, new structural and organizational solutions, existing trade exchange and migration of managerial staff. It is stated in the Abstract, that the process should be accompanied by clear, coherent and stable business, trade and tax laws as well as by a proper business policy created by the government.
Authors and Affiliations
Aneta Kaczorek
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