Improve the performance of self suction mixers in the apparatus of the volume type 

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue 6


Analysis of the technical literature on the use of selfsuction mixers showed that the possibility of the it depends from geometric parameters or frequency of rotation. At the same time, in the literature there are no publications on the study of the influence of local resistance in the middle of a selfsuction agitators during the process of transit flow in mode self-suction. The laboratory setting, through which appeared to conduct experimental tests of the hydrodynamic flow of transit traffic in the middle self-suction mixers. The dependence of the flow coefficient of the configuration input edges of a rectangular slot opening into the cavity of the blade. It is possible to identify areas of improvement self-suction mixers to intensify mass transfer processes by increasing the pumping performance input channel from the front side of the blade has a rounded or inclined plane at an angle to the axis of the blade. The obtained results of laboratory tests allowed to determine the direction of research self-suction mixing for intensification of processes of mass transfer by increasing the pumping performance to place an order and get a Patent on Ukraine self-suction mixing device that can be used in the stages of chlorination indantron and anthraquinones and alkyl benzenes sulfonation with gaseous sulfur anhydride and ozonation of hydrocarbons.  

Authors and Affiliations

V. I. Sklabinsky, V. Y. Storozhenko, S. V. Shavbratsky


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How To Cite

V. I. Sklabinsky, V. Y. Storozhenko, S. V. Shavbratsky (2015). Improve the performance of self suction mixers in the apparatus of the volume type . CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 69(6), 335-341.