Improvement of methods of staff training in the organization
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
Training is a process that increases the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, develops the potential capabilities of trainees. Training allows the best way to develop and use the employee’s potential capabilities, which are necessary for him to effectively fulfil his job duties. There are such traditional methods of teaching and modern methods of teaching. By training staff using these methods, the organization provides itself with a winning competitive advantage over other companies. When analyzing the methods of training staff in a particular organization, the following shortcomings were identified: training with external trainers requires large financial resources; In the organization, employees are selected for training. The analysis showed that a questionnaire is needed to determine the need for training from the perspective of the employee and his management; there is no training “Prevention of emotional burnout”; there is no post-training support. To address the identified shortcomings, the following recommendations were proposed: to introduce a webinar that will allow training by the internal trainer and refuse from the assistance of external trainers; A questionnaire was developed to interview staff to identify the training needs; the training “Prevention of emotional burnout” and homework after the training as post-training support was offered.
Authors and Affiliations
Elena Kolesnichenko, E. Ivanova, N. Vyzhimova
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