Improvement of migration policy of Ukraine in the context of strengthening of interregional cooperation
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue
The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Ukraine's migration policy. Have proved the necessity to improve it and suggested an appropriate mechanism in view of the need to intensify inter-regional cooperation. It was found that the disadvantages of regulatory support migration management in Ukraine lead to certain difficulties in management, that resulting in a negative impact of migration processes on the socio-economic situation in the country. The biggest obstacles to the development of inter-regional cooperation is the lack of activity of the regions in the implementation of regional migration policy including those which have the status of the border area and participates in cross-border cooperation projects, participate in negotiations for simplified border crossing regime by signing agreements; the virtual absence of multilateral agreements on cooperation in the implementation of migration policy, including so attractive counries for Ukrainian migration countries like Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria and others. Proved the necessity to develop an effective mechanism for the implementation of migration policy, in view of experience of more developed countries, territorial problems the existing in Ukraine and its desire to integrate into the global community and to develop interregional cooperation. This mechanism is designed to ensure that a comprehensive and consistent implementation of the migration policy of Ukraine and includes in addition to the common elements (factors of influence, the legal framework) dominant regulation of labor migration in the conditions of globalization. It was found that the traditional approach to labor migration does not correspond to the new realities and the need of modernization based on a series of new principles, among which are: the principle of flexibility, the principle of partnership; the principle of compensation; the principle of learning; the principle of urgency; the principle of globality; the principle of adequacy. A significant increase of the quality of migration policies can be achieved by strengthening cooperation with developed countries, integration groups (mainly EU) and specialized organizations. Areas of cooperation, besides the exchange of information, should be: the development of migration legislation and procedures for the registration of migrants, unification documents of registration of migrants, identification and elimination of the channels illegal migration.
Authors and Affiliations
Khrystyna Mityushkina
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