In Office Occlusion of the Tear Punctum using the CPO Electrode
Journal Title: International Journal of Ophthalmology & Eye Science (IJOES) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a relatively common condition with signs and symptoms varying from light irritation to functional blindness as a result of corneal opacification. The disorder generally occurs in subjects over 40 years of age. DES management is related to the severity of the symptoms. In most cases treatment focuses on tear substitution. However, permanent punctal occlusion may be indicated for patients in which these conventional therapies fail. The procedure is simple and can be performed in the office. To cauterize and close the punctum, a high-frequency low-temperature surgical device and a specifically designed electrode [Chedly Punctal Occluder (CPO)] are employed. The very same CPO electrode, may be utilized to achieve dilation of the punctum and sealing of the the lumen of the lacrimal duct. In cases where a permanent punctal occlusion is indicated, the CPO, in combination with a high frequency device, permanently seals the punctum. In most cases a scar is only visible by close slit lamp examination. So far no cases of punctum reopening have been observed. Although permanent punctal occlusion in DES is not the first treatment of choice, it sometimes has to be considered in severe DES cases, where other therapies remain unsuccessful.
Authors and Affiliations
Peter PM Raus
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