In the 19th Century the Relations of the Foreign Ambassadors and Missioners with the Ottoman Empire’ Management

Journal Title: Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 5, Issue 1


The Ottoman Empire, perhaps, was last strong example of the classical empires age. Sovereign, at the beginning, was most powerful person. But in time the power of Sultan come to be separated among different pivots. One of the these pivots has been Bâbıâlî. Its effect aura had started to spread out from the end of the 18th century. On the other side, foreign ambassadors and missioners have also obtained a big potency in the 19th century with modern diplomacy coming to gained gravity in the field of management

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  • EP ID EP581621
  • DOI 10.21551/jhf.544365
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How To Cite

Sedat KANAT (2019). In the 19th Century the Relations of the Foreign Ambassadors and Missioners with the Ottoman Empire’ Management. Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, 5(1), 10-22.