In utero stem cells therapy

Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 37


In utero stem cells transplantation is an alternative to postnatal treatment of congenital disorders that can be diagnosed early in gestation. Among the factors that promote in utero stem cell transplantation distinguished: immune tolerance of the fetus, the migration of stem cells and a very small body weight of the recipient. Despite the exceptional possibilities offered by fetal microenvironment clinical expectations remain unfulfilled. However, the experience carried out in the past twenty years have led to a better understanding of the complexity of the fetal microenvironment and the obstacles to successful transplantation.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Bielec, Rafał Stojko


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How To Cite

Beata Bielec, Rafał Stojko (2015). In utero stem cells therapy. Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project, 3(37), 16-23.