Incidence of occlusal anomalies in Turner syndrome patients
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2009, Vol 62, Issue 12
Aim of the study: To definetheincidenceofocclusalanomalies in Turner syndrome patients in three groups of karyotype.Material and methods: Forty-seven females aged 20-40 years who were cytogenetically diagnosed as suffering from Turner syndrome were divided into three groups depending on karyotype. The control group consisted of forty-seven healthy females aged 21-40 years selected randomly who had not been orthodontically treated. Occlusal anomalies were studied according to three planes of orthodontic diagnosis.Results: Out of 47 patients with Turner syndrome, 41 had occlusal anomalies (Angle II class malocclusion, Angle III class malocclusion, deep bite, open bite, crossbite, crowding of teeth) as compared with 20 control group patients with occlusal anomalies. Angle II malocclusion was the most common findingin Turner syndrome.Conclusion: Occlusal anomalies were significantlymore frequent in Turner syndrome patients than in the control group. The greatest expression of occlusal anomalies was observed in patients with 45,X karyotype and with structural aberrations of chromosome X.
Authors and Affiliations
Aida Kusiak, Barbara Kochańska, Jadwiga Sadlak-Nowicka, Janusz Limon, Anna Wojtaszek-Słomińska
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