The paper analyzes the linguistic means incarnation karitive semantics in Russian and Polish economic discourse. The material o f the study uses data Kazakh Russian-language newspapers and Polish newspaper...
At the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХІ century an intensive development of theo-linguistics can be traced as a direction of linguistics, which aims at the investigation of the relation between language and rel...
Развитие малого эпического жанра в русской и украинской литературax на рубеже ХIХ-XX веков : (A. Чехов, В. Стефаник)
Вербализация каритивной семантики в русском и польском экономическом дискурсе
The paper analyzes the linguistic means incarnation karitive semantics in Russian and Polish economic discourse. The material o f the study uses data Kazakh Russian-language newspapers and Polish newspaper...
"Теория и практика лексикографии поэтонимов : (на материале творчества А. С. Пушкина)", В. М. Калинкин, Донецк 1999
Українсько-польські паралелі в системі фразеологічних біблеїзмів
At the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХІ century an intensive development of theo-linguistics can be traced as a direction of linguistics, which aims at the investigation of the relation between language and rel...
Profesor Ryszard Łużny i jego wschodniosłowiańskie fascynacje naukowe : kształtowanie się kulturologicznej szkoły badawczej