Indications for primary teeth reconstruction with stainless steel crowns

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2008, Vol 61, Issue 12


Introduction: The principal aim of modern pediatric dentistry is the preservation of the arch in primary dentition, which eliminates the development of masticatory dysfunctions. In Poland, caries index is very high (87% at the age of 6) resulting in frequent preterm extraction of primary teeth. Treatment of extensive carious lesions in primary teeth with stainless steel crowns ensures the retention of these teeth in the arch until their physiological resorption. Aim of the study: On the basis of available literature the indications for stainless steel crowns for primary dentition, treatment failures and methods of tooth preparation for stainless steel crown have been presented. Conclusions: According to current guidelines of dental societies, stainless steel crowns are the treatment of choice for large cavities in primary teeth. It remains to be established, however, whether small or medium lesions in primary teeth are also indications for this procedure.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Słowik, Anna Jurczak, Iwona Kołodziej, Dorota Kościelniak


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How To Cite

Joanna Słowik, Anna Jurczak, Iwona Kołodziej, Dorota Kościelniak (2008). Indications for primary teeth reconstruction with stainless steel crowns. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 61(12), 894-901.