
У радянський період накопичення історичних знань з теми індустріального розвитку Донецької області здійснювалося у спотвореному вигляді. У статті обґрунтовується висновок про те, що у сучасній історіографічній ситуації дослідники зазначеної теми, що знаходяться на позиціях об’єктивності, концептуального плюралізму та базуються на достовірних джерелах, створили більш правдиву картину техніко-економічного розвитку основних галузей економіки (особливо вугільної) краю, по-новому висвітлили значення Донецької Ради народного господарства, роль робітничого класу і соціалістичного змагання. The process of scientific evaluation of Donetsk Region’s industrial development in the years of Khrushchev’s decade is composed of qualitatively heterogeneous periods: the first one lasts since the beginning of researching the aforementioned problem till removal of Khrushchev from power in October 1964; the second one lasts since the mid 1960s till the late 1980s; the third one lasts since the late 1980s till the early 1990s; the fourth one lasts since the early 1990s till nowadays. Unfavorable social conditions of development and functioning of historical knowledge in the USSR and inappropriate methodological basis of the Soviet epoch that domineered in humanities in that period badly affected the research of Donetsk Region’s industrial development in the years of Khrushchev’s «thaw», which affected formation of an extremely insufficient and distorted picture of the region’s industrial life. Still, the element of scientific value presents, alongside factual material used in these publications, analysis of the forms and the methods of political government of the economy in the field of industry, which demonstrates falling of the communist party’s authority and falling of its influence on the processes that were going on in the national economy. New socio-political conditions were created after Ukraine had gained independence are characterized by active scientific search of historical truth, revision of the conceptual provisions of Soviet historiography and use of reliable sources. The emphases being differently laid, most of the modern researchers jointly admit that development of Donetsk Region’s industry in the years of Khrushchev’s thaw on indestructible principles of the Soviet economic system is not a flexible variant of social production’s adjustment. Over the recent times, research of industrial development has primarily been focused on the study of the development peculiarities of the branches of industry, especially that of the coalmining field. Presence of lacunas in the highlight of Donetsk Region’s industrial development is obvious, which appreciably impoverishes our concept of the close past of the region. One of the most important plots that require profound research is the problem of Donetsk Soviet Regional Economy Department (1957 – 1965) which was the main link in managing industry

Authors and Affiliations

Yulia Korobka


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Yulia Korobka (2017). ІНДУСТРІАЛЬНИЙ РОЗВИТОК ДОНЕЦЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ У 1953 – 1964 рр.: ІСТОРІОГРАФІЯ ПРОБЛЕМИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(18), 33-45. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426488