Influence of biologically active substances in the salt extract of the medicinal leech on phagocytic activity of neutrophils and cytomorphometric changes of blood lymphocytes in culture
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1
Studied the culture of blood cells of ten male, adult donors. In which, in vitro studied the immunological reactivity of neutrophils and lymphocytes on the baker's yeast on a background of various concentrations of biologically active substances from saline extract of the medicinal leech bodies to determine the optimal immunogenic concentrations. As a result of experimental studies donors under the action of different concentrations of medicinal leech antigens was found that in the shorttermed leukocyte culture for 30 and 90 min incubation of small and medium concentrations of antigens stimulated the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and large ones suppressed it, including their digesting ability. Blood lymphocytes respond to small (20 mcg / ml) and medium (40 - 80 mcg / ml) concentrations of antigens of the medicinal leech and yeast by apoptotic and productive immunological reactions that were by small lymphocytes decrease with an increase in the average lymphocytes, which is a demonstration of productive immunogenesis transition of part of small lymphocytes in medium ones after antigen activation and initial reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes. Large concentrations of medicinal leech antigens (120 - 250 mcg / ml) induced apoptotic cells to cytotoxic reactions and that manifested sharp increase in small lymphocytes by reducing the average number of lymphocytes. At a part of the culture of the working solution without yeast at a antigens’ of medicinal leech dose of 120 mcg / ml, which were cultured for 24 hours, mononuclear cells differed by pyknotic small and large lymphocytes with signs of apoptosis. Save of productive immune lymphocytes probably ensured cytokine support, implemented in phagocytic reaction of microphages and macrophages. Were obtained optimal dose for phagocytic response of neutrophils and lymphocytes reactivity, starting with a concentration of 20 mсg / ml and ending with a final concentration of 80 mсg / ml. Concentrations doses of 120 - 250 mсg / ml are cytotoxic. Finding in vitro of medicinal leech antigens concentration limits will regulate hirudotherapy capacity on modern principles of evidence-based medicine. For the first time the phenomenon of apoptosis in immune cells of blood under the influence of biologically active substances of the medicinal leech is found. It may explain the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of hirudotherapy. Also opens the prospect for further study of this phenomenon at the level of the organism with the further possibility of allergic and autoimmune diseases relief by targeting apoptosis through immune tolerance to allergens.
Authors and Affiliations
Р. Амінов, О. Фролов
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