Influence of Compensation, Motivation, and Job SatisfactionAgainst Employee Performancein The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Jember
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 5
The purpose ofthisstudyis to know and analyze the effects ofcompensation, work motivation,andjob satisfaction on the performance ofemployeespartiallyand collectively.This type of researchisquantitative by usingpurposive samplingmethodwith a sample of 70people respondents.Data collection using questionnaires with Likert scale using 5 points.The total number of questions is 16 items.Data analysis using SPSS application version 22 with multiple linear regression technique.The results ofthisstudyshow that: 1) There is apositiveinfluenceand significantyacompensation to employee performanceindicated from t count of 2.107compared witht table 1.98;2) There isa positive and significant influence of motivation on employee performancewhich is shown from result tcountof 3.043compared with t table1.98; 3) There ispositivit and significant job satisfaction on employee performanceshown fromt countresult of 2.091compared with t table of 1.90.
Authors and Affiliations
Singgih Bektiarso, Diana Sulianti K Tobing
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