Influence of instructing programed on efficiency of instruction of woman in game to football
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 34
The aim. The verification of didactic method is the aim of works – leaning on programmed teaching, it which it was applied was in teaching of game in football among womens. It formulate in work following question investigative: 1. As it effects devolution of message about motor operation means audiovisual on efficiency of instructing technique of game ? 2. If level of knowledge football player it effects sports result. It formulate hypothesis forpurpose of research: The competitors subjected the process of teaching and training with didactic centres of aid, leaning on programmed teaching will reach larger specialist knowledge as well as efficiency motive in comparison to taking in traditional teaching part competitors”.Material and method. It in method of teaching strengthened the teaching was applied was programmed. For verification of level of message about motor operation football players employ test of technical knowledge, for determination of special proficiency employ technical test. Employ statistic research: statistic deviation, average arithmetic, test with t – student level essentiality difference and correlation Pearson linear. Experimental investigations were led by period 5 months In lats 2003-2004 among students II year direction physical education AFE in Cracovie. It research 30 students (women) In program occupance from football participating. Build two groups from which one (15 persons) by all the time research iit took part case on week-days in pilot educational unit (Instructing programed) – occupance lasting 90 min. It carry 14 teaching units. In second group (control group) process of instructing realize traditional methods, where message about motor operations football players they were transferred in the course of practical exercises in the form of training.Results and discussion. Received results of research have confirmed great importance of instructing programmed in scaling up of technical ability among researched women. In check groups said highest incrementation of specialistic knowledge – Level of horizon essentiality (α = 0.001***), highest index of technical ability (α = 0,05 ). Said also high correlation among level of message but technical proficiency researched (rxy = 0,824*** eksperymental group, and rxy = 0,910*** control group).Conclusions. 1. Knowledge can have considerable influence about motor operation on achieved sports result. 2. Cards programed, as techniques of transfers of visual informations help in instruct motor action forming of correct motor imagination. 3. Based procedure methodical accelerates instructing of element of soccer technique on instructing programed.
Authors and Affiliations
Henryk Duda
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