Influence Of Lecture Method On Pupil’s Performance In English Language In Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Non Formal Schools In Korogocho, Nairobi Kenya.
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 11
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pedagogical practices on pupil’s performance in English language in Kenya Certificate of primary education in non formal primary schools in Korogocho, Nairobi Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to establish the influence of lecture method on pupils’ performance in English language, to determine whether demonstration method influence pupils’ performance in English language, to determine whether dictation of notes in class influence pupils’ performance in English language and to establish whether orderliness in class influence pupils’ performance in English language. The study was based on Instructional theory by Charles Regeiluth. The study adopted descriptive research design. Target population was 78 non formal primary schools, 78 directors, 180 teachers of English and 780 pupils. Purposive sampling was used to select 23 non formal primary schools, 23 directors were sampled by census 54 teachers were purposively selected and solvins formula was used to select 264 pupils. Content validity of the questionnaires was obtained by expert’s judgment. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to test the relationship between lecture method and performance, data was presented in text and in tables. regression and inferential statistics established that the use of lecture method alone correlated negatively to performance at -0.1308. It was established that performance in English was affected by the use of lecture method. The recommendations; alternative use of instructional methods such as collaborative teaching should be used in teaching primary schools, the Ministry of Education to discourage the use of lecture method as it is not suitable for young people. Teachers exposure to the modern methods of teaching is necessary and attend in-service courses, KICD to design curriculum for NFPS. The study was expected to provide significant information on instructional methods to be used in schools. It can be concluded that a combination of instructional methods help boost performance in English language at KCPE
Authors and Affiliations
Catherine N. Wabwoba, Ursulla A. Okoth, Mercy Mugambi
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