Influence of linguistic factors on teaching and learning English at primary, secondary and tertiary educational levels
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 173
Linguistic factors play a crucial role in planning, organising, teaching and learning English at primary, secondary and tertiary education levels. The article has analysed the key linguistic factors playing a significant part in the process of teaching and learning the English language. The aim of the article is to assess and systematise the underlying linguistic aspects that should be recognised and comprehended by teachers of English at all levels of education, with special attention paid to the concepts “errors” and “mistakes”, the ways and approaches to working on and correcting them, as well as issues in their identification and description. The article has considered current views on types and categories of errors including their characteristics, the possible sources and origins of errors, and approaches towards feedback and error correction. It has been defined that errors and mistakes can be classified as overt and covert, global and local, phonological, lexical, grammar or discourse, and errors of adding, omitting, replace or the sequence of use. Moreover, the author has distinguished typical sources of errors that include their interlingual and intralingual ori- gins, communicative and sociolinguistic context, psycholinguistic or cognitive strategies as well as multiple affective variables. Among various factors that influence error correction, the most significant aspect is the type of feedback students receive as a reac- tion to their errors or mistakes. In this concern, the author has drawn attention to certain approaches to teachers’ attitudes to working on their students’ errors and mistakes namely to correct or ignore, and in case of correction, whether to do this immediately or after a while. The article has provided further explanations concerning types of implicit responses and explicit correction. Finally, it is sig- nificant to state that in order to enhance English learning organisation, it is necessary to remember that presented classifications of errors and mistakes with the existing ways of working them out should be not viewed as prescriptive or overly comprehensive. They aim to assist teachers in improving classroom methodologies and teaching process enhancement as well asto promote students’ learn- ing success.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Orlova
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