Influence of the manager on the effectiveness 
of employees in the contemporary enterprise

Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 2


In the 21st century, in the era of the economy based on the knowledge, on the market to achieve the permanent success of the enterprise it is possible above all by the improvement in effects get by people working in it and developing teams and individual persons. It is necessary to take into account also, that it is possible to consider the effectiveness from different points of view, resulting from effects understood by her. In practice economic many dates exist about the similar importance: the efficiency, the effectiveness, the productivity, the profitability or also a cost-effectiveness. All however effectivenesses are approaching the measurement, because she is most often defined as get effects with reference to incurred costs – it depends on the destination put forward by the enterprise. It is necessary also to understand, that it isn’t possible to assign the effectiveness explicitly to one action, since it is sequence of duties which aim at the achievement, appointed by the enterprise of the purpose. Therefore in this process people are extremely important (for worker) which the effective work is transferring oneself to the effectiveness of the entire company

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Igielski


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How To Cite

Michał Igielski (2015). Influence of the manager on the effectiveness 
of employees in the contemporary enterprise. Współczesna Gospodarka, 6(2), 33-41.