Influence of the Use of Digital Technologies on the Physical Activity of Children Aged 7–17 Years in the Opinion of Parents

Journal Title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 10


Toys with integrated technology are not a new thing. We are familiar with talking dolls or remote control cars. However, the interactive toys connected to the internet, which has appeared in recent years, and which are the natural consequence of the development of the internet of things, may bring a revolution to the world of children. Following article is the result of the research project „Internet of Toys a support or a threat to child’s development?” aimed at verifying the readiness to introduce digital toys as well astesting what is the level of security associated with the smart connected toys usage. A mixed methods research: pilot qualitative study in the form of interviews concerning various attitudes and practices relating to the use of digital devices, in particular connected smart toys, together with a quantitative study, gave an overview on the smart toys popularisation and the level of knowledge about their safety. Moreover, tests over selected products from the viewpoint of cyber threats and precautions implemented bythe vendor made it possible to come up with safety recommendations for future or present smart connected toys users. Communicative companions may bring not only fun and education, but also a dose of threats. What happens to the data collected by the toys, how easy it is to reach unauthorised access to the device and who potentially may come into these data possession? Last but not least this article tries to answer the questions on what consequences might bring to children social development, permanent parental supervision,restrictions of children’s privacyand the possibility that digital toys might become a replacement of a real participation in the child’s life.

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  • EP ID EP664929
  • DOI 10.15584/eti.2019.1.21
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How To Cite

ANNA RYWCZYŃSKA, PRZEMYSŁAW JAROSZEWSKI (2019). Influence of the Use of Digital Technologies on the Physical Activity of Children Aged 7–17 Years in the Opinion of Parents. Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka, 1(10), 164-172.